Monday, January 9, 2017

Mariah Carey Addresses New Year’s Eve Debacle: ‘They Foiled Me’

Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey is feeling “Emotions” over her ill-fated New Year’s Eve performance.
After addressing the botched set in an interview, the superstar has released an audio message via Twitter.

“I haven’t really addressed the situation that happened on New Year’s Eve, and in time I will,” she said. “But for now, I want everyone to know that I came to New Year’s Eve in New York in great spirits and was looking forward to a celebratory moment with the world. It’s a shame that we were put into the hands of a production team with technical issues who chose to capitalize on circumstances beyond our control.
“It’s not practical for a singer to sing live and be able to hear themselves properly in the middle of Times Square,” she continued, “with all the noise, the freezing cold, the smoke from the smoke machines, and thousands of people celebrating, especially when their ear monitors were not working at all.”
Carey went on to place blame on the production team behind “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest.” “Listen guys,” she said. “They foiled me. Thus, it turned into an opportunity to humiliate me and all those who were excited to ring in the new year with me. Eventually, I will explain this in greater detail for anyone who cares to hear.”
Carey ended by thanking her supporters and announcing a break from social media. “I can’t wait to sing for you again,” she added.
Since the blunder-filled set, Mariah has fired her creative director while her team claimed Dick Clark Productions sabotaged the singer. DCP has denied these claims, saying that they were not at fault for the issues surrounding Carey’s performance.