Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Kelly Rowland, Michelle Williams Praise Beyoncé as a Mom

Destiny's Child

A week after giving birth to Blue Ivy Carter, Beyoncé is enjoying motherhood. She got a visit from her friends Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams who say their fellow Destiny’s Child diva is a natural in her new role.

“She was born to be a mother,” Kelly Rowland told PEOPLE at Saturday’s taping of BET Honors in Washington, D.C. “She’s wonderful.”

Michelle Williams also praised her DC sister. “She has such compassion for people and humanity, period,” said Williams, adding that B and Jay-Z’s daughter is already one of the most stylish babies she’s seen.

But she didn’t expect the busy B to become the first mom of the group. “We were very shocked. We were laughing with each other the other day and she was like, ‘Can y’all believe it? I was the anti—like no children for me,’ and she’s the first one [of us to have a baby],” shared Williams. “So it was so amazing to see her.”