Male gold digger Keith Douglas is a charming man of many words. Maybe that’s how he convinced 6 women to marry him.
A judge, however, was not impressed with Douglas’s charms. The judge
annulled Douglas’s sixth marriage to actress Tasha Smith on the grounds
that Douglas is a fraud.
A humiliated Douglas took to social media to salvage his manhood and
to lash out at Smith for exposing his philandering ways with women.
Like most con artists, Douglas blamed Smith for his problems and invoked God’s name repeatedly in a series of posts on
“There’s a difference between the law of the world & the law of
God. I’m so grateful that God remains the final judge,” he tweeted on
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who’s in heaven… There are six things which the LORD hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue… And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies… And one who spreads strife among brothers
I have to continue to rely on God. I battle with the desire to expose those who seek to destroy me, my reputation and the things that I have worked so hard for. But at the end of the day I know the truth always comes to light… In due time every lying tongue will be uncovered and the destructive secrets that have been the cause of this ugliness will be on display.”
At one point, Douglas implied that Smith has dark secrets that he may expose.
“Sometimes all you can do is laugh and say My God! You know when someone spends so much time trying to scandalize your name and reputation… it is often because they are terrified of their secrets being exposed. Sadly, in this day and age it’s a race to discredit the other person… so that you can protect your own image. All of the things I have been accused of are deflections of her own reflection.”
He also implied that Smith was a teetotaler (alcoholic) and drug
abuser who wasn’t that different from the loud mouth characters she
portrayed in Tyler Perry‘s films:
“There’s a difference in being a stellar actress able to be convincing in any role & someone who’s being their ugly selves in every role! I am so blessed to have been protected from the results of living with a person who lived life recklessly… Drugs,disease & a destroyed reproductive system wreaked havoc in her heart. So dark in her heart. I continue to pray for her deliverance.”
If that wasn’t enough, Douglas penned a long, rambling open letter to the actress on social media.
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