Saturday, December 19, 2015

Monica & Husband Shannon Brown Get Boo'd Up At Dinner...And Shannon Even Sings For Her!

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Monica hit up a dinner party the other night to celebrate her new Code Red album (which dropped today).  But it's her NBA husband who stole the spotlight...well, kinda.  Check out the twosome all wrapped up in love inside.... 
Monica and Shannon Brown put their love on display Wednesday night in NYC at a sit-down dinner with media and the folks behind PYNK magazine.
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Monica grabbed her phone and hit record while she sang "Alone In Your Heart" from her new album.  Shannon decided to chime in with an attempt to harmonize.  Hilar!'s correspondent James Turner was on the scene and caught the woman of the hour talking about finding her new purpose after 20 years in the business.  And that is bringing real R&B back to the forefront:

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Mo and guests, like Heather B from Sway's Morning Show, wined and dined with good eats and Stoli liquor.  Loving her all white look by the way.
Check out Shannon singing his fave song off his wife's album below.  Ha!
Also, Monica rolled to "The Wendy Show" this week and revealed she and Shannon want to have more kids!  Looks like their daughter Laiyah and Monica's two sons could have a baby sibling soon.
Monica also says Shannon's still looking for a team home in the NBA and he's currently a free agent, if you were wondering.  Check out their chit chat below: