Wednesday, October 1, 2014

EJ Johnson Shows Off His Weight Loss Progress After Getting Gastric Sleeve Surgery

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22-year-old reality star EJ Johnson is on his way to slim and trim fabulousness.  Find out what he said about his weight loss surgery inside...

"#RichKidsOfBeverlyHills" star and NYU student EJ Johnson, the son of Magic Johnson, revealed on the recent season finale of the show that he was ready to undergo surgery to jumpstart a new lifestyle.  He told his fellow rich kids that he would be getting gastric sleeve surgery.  And this past August, he went through with it.
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We're already seeing a bit of a difference just one month later, compared to the above promo pic from several months ago.  Here's a few more pics of Chanel lover EJ making appearances since his surgery:
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EJ told his crew he's ready to take the challenge head on...after he throws one last party of the summer: A Soul Food Dinner Night!
He was seen telling his little sister (above), Elisa, that he's thinking about doing a weight loss surgery similar to what co-star Jonny Drubel did with his lap band. And it wasn't really known Jonny had a lap band surgery.  Slight shade.
EJ said he met up with Star Jones and chatted about it all.  She told him, "A lot of people think it's the easy way out, but it's not. It's a step in the right direction, just a big push."
He told his friends, "I feel very mature and in the right place I'm ready to be cute."
Daily Mail reports that he received the surgery in August right after the final episode was taped.  And the diva is well on his way to a new lifestyle.