Nelly seems to have a thing for picking up chicks using a simple Instagram hashtag. Two weeks ago, Nelly made Shantel Jackson his
#WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday) and now they’re sitting courtside at a NBA
playoff game. Check the pics and get the deets inside…
To add another angle to his already “love square” situation involving Ashanti, Tae Heckard and Brandon Jennings, Nelly seems to have moved on to a new “friend” who is also someone else’s old “friend"--better yet old fiancée.
Sitting courtside at the Miami Heat and Charlotte Bobcats Playoff Game 4, Nelly and Floyd Mayweather’s ex-fiancée Shantel Jackson sat together as they watched the Heat defeat the Bobcats.
Hard to see Shantel’s face, but she confirmed she was at the playoff
game posting a pic of her Tom Ford boots (below) as she sat courtside
with the caption, “NBA playoffs..... Came to support my team. Let's go Heat!!!!! #miamiheat #tomfordboots”
Seems Nelly likes to use Instagram to grab the attention of the current chick he’s trying to entertain. Earlier this month, Nelly named Tae Heckard (who recently revealed publicly she's dating NBA baller Brandon Jennings) his #WCW sparking rumors that the two were back together.
Two weeks ago, Nelly posted a picture of Shantel (below) naming her his #WCW with the caption, “#WCW DAMMMMM Shantel aka @missjackson if ya nasty ...!! #TTMX”
Clearly, Shantel saw Nelly’s cry for attention and now the two are
hanging out together, hitting up NBA games. Back in September, boxing
champ Floyd Mayweather Jr. confirmed he and Shantel were still engaged, but apparently they have called it quits.
In a recent interview with Showtime show “All Access,” Floyd confirmed his split from his on-again, off-again fiancée of four years saying,
“You always want a strong, beautiful woman that you can
share your everything with. But I have to go my separate way. She’s
focusing on her career in L.A., which is acting. And I’m focusing on my
career, which is boxing. Sometimes people can outgrow one another, but
we’re still friends.”
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