Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lil' Kim FILES $ 1 Million Lawsuit Against Former Attorneys Over BOTCHED BUSINESS DEALS

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The Queen Bee put her stinger in motion this week as she filed a big money lawsuit againt her former lawyers and went on defense towards social media outlets she claims have been posting distorted pics of her image. Find out what Lil' Kim is so steamed inside...

This week, Lil' Kim filed a lawsuit against her former attorney Sunny Barkats and his partner, Andrew Ro, claiming the pair swindled her out of “valuable trademark and branding rights” related to liquor, makeup, and fashion endorsements.
The $1 Million lawsuit claims Sunny and Andrew tricked her into transactions that gave them a 44% stake in a corporation formed to license her brand names.  For his part, Sunny claims the lawsuit is a “frivolous” attempt for her to break their contract.
We're impressed that the Lil' Kim brand is still valued in the millions (according to her lawsuit).  Sting 'em Queen!
And Sunny and Andrew weren't the only folks who were on the receiving end of a sting this week..  Lil' Kim and her camp are blasting the media for "distorting" pics of her face.  She claims that the photo above, and others we showed you as she left MTV's studios this past week, don't reflect how she really looks.  
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And her rep, CJ Carter released a statement saying, 
"We would like to inform fans, the media, and the general public that this is nothing more than the blog site doing its best to conjure up much needed publicity and what better way to do so, than to take an American music icon and create a fictitious platform in which to disrespect and humiliate. We at Team Lil Kim are not taking this lying down and are taking this matter very seriously."
We understand that Lil' Kim isn't comfortable with the way she looks, but, she should know there is not a national conspiracy to distort her image. For that...we'd blame her surgeon....or doctor.  Those pics, as with all candids we post, are real, actual untouched raw images taken by paparazzi. The images are purchased from photo agencies by television stations, publications and websites, including us.  The particular agency for the pics in question is Splash Picture Agency, and the raw pics can be seen in their database as well as on many credible websites.  
The pics were not photoshopped. 

The Randomness:
1.  Jay-Z's Atlantic City 40/40 club is officially closed for good.  It actually closed back in October due to serious Hurricane Sandy damage and a downturn of visitors to the club.  STORY

Photo: Splash Picture Agency