Thursday, March 7, 2013

Jaguar denies rejecting RAILA ODINGA’s offer because PREZZO endorsed him

At the beginning of the week, rumor had it that philanthropic artist Jaguar had rejected an offer by CORD alliance to join them because Prezzo had endorsed the alliance’s flag bearer Raila Odinga.
It came as no surprise that he was in the Jubilee campaign trail though he denied that he had endorsed Uhuru Kenyatta.
Setting the record straight, Jaguar said that he has no beef with Prezzo and he was not the reason behind him rejecting the attractive offer. Apparently he chose wisely on which party to swing with.
In his statement, he said that he joined the Jubilee team because of their manifesto which was looking real and the fact that Jubilee are true to their word and not because of his known beef with Prezzo.