Saturday, February 9, 2013


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Tamara Mowry used her official website to share a scary experience she witnessed with her husband Adam and young son Aden. Find what happened and the words of wisdom she has to pass on to women inside.....

In the past few years, actress Tamara Mowry has married the love of her life and given birth to a son, and she saw all of that flash before her eyes as she watched a car accident right in front of her recently.  On her website, she shared a new pic of her fam and a few pearls of wisdom she learned:

The other day, Adam, Aden and I had a brush with a very scary situation. We were driving along on the highway, when all of a sudden the car in front of us crashed into the car in front of it. We watched in horror as the car flipped over and over and over again on the highway. It was terrifying…I still get chills now just thinking about it. Our life really flashed right before our eyes. We were the next car in the accident that had a car flipping more than once straight ahead of us across the freeway! Although the moment goes so fast, you actually feel like you are moving in slow motion. All I could think about was protecting our new son Aden. Once we got out of our car and helped the victims, I just held our lil baby and cried.
I was grateful for my lovely family and realized the fact that life is too short. Life is too short to not do what you have set your heart out to do. Life is too short to hold any grudges. Life is short, and life is beautiful. To have the gift of life is a blessing. Many die daily and if you are alive right now, then you have been given that gift. It's important we live it to the fullest and not get stuck or preoccupied with the worries, fears or pain. Instead, all we can do is trust in God and live every day He’s given me to the very fullest.
Ladies, let me ask you: What is holding you back from living freely, loving fiercely and pursuing your dreams? We should all treasure every moment we have in this fleeting life and take every opportunity to pursue our passions. Life is too short put things off.
You can do anything you put your mind to, and today is the day to start making your dreams happen. I believe in all of you!
Live, breathe, love, help, give, and smell the frickin' roses.
What is a passion you have that you’ve been scared of pursuing? A grudge against someone that you want to let go of? Share your stories with me in the comments below and let’s support each other in this journey!
