Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Prezzo Flies Back To Kenya After Being Threatened

When he left for Nigeria on Wednesday morning, he was full of enthusiasm knowing that he was going to have a late Valentine’s date with his sweetheart, but that was never to be. Upon his arrival in Lagos, he was met by the shocking news of his girl’s untimely death.

But that was just the tip of the iceberg as more was to follow. On Saturday, a mysterious man (Andrew Harvey) emerged and claimed that he is Goldie’s husband and even provided photographic evidence of their wedding in 2005. There was more drama to follow as Goldie’s former best friend also came out alleging that Goldie had snatched her husband (Andrew Harvey) and like Andrew tabled the evidence showing that Goldie was a second wife.

Remember all this was unfolding in Prezzo’s face. So yesterday, one of Prezzo’s close friend told MondayBlues that the rapper had received threats from Andrew Harvey, Goldie’s legally married husband. “Leave our family to grieve in peace… You have already caused us enough pain,” Andrew warned Prezzo via his Facebook Page.

This came only hours after Andrew dismissed Goldie and Prezzo’s relationship terming it “a game”. “Prezzo was part of BBA game, just like in the movies, there was nothing to fear,” said Andrew during an interview with a leading Nigerian production. Prezzo has since cut his trip short and is alleged to back in the country having booked his flight ticket yesterday night.