Friday, February 15, 2013

Kim Kardashian hides her belly fat on her way to the gym

Kim Kardashian headed to gym
Kim Kardashian positioned her expensive handbag strategically over her flabby belly as she headed to a gym in Los Angeles for an early morning workout today. As she exited her car she accepted a bouquet of roses from a bystander (probably a staged gesture to make it seem as if she has devoted fans).
It isn’t clear what Kim does inside the gym, but my paparazzi friends tell me she sure isn’t working out.
“She’s definitely letting herself go [packing on the pounds] to make herself look pregnant,” said a paparazzi source who has pursued Kim for months.
The paparazzo added that none of the other paparazzi believe she’s pregnant.
“If she is pregnant, she’s the unhappiest pregnant woman I’ve ever seen,” the source added.

Kim Kardashian headed to gym 
Kim Kardashian headed to gym 
Kim Kardashian headed to gym
Kim Kardashian headed to gym


Anonymous said...

I dnt believe that. She's pregnant! She's probably still trying to get used to her changing body.