Tuesday, February 19, 2013

GOLDIE’s husband orders PREZZO not to attend Goldie’s FUNERAL

Following a whirlwind of events surrounding the death of former Big brother star game contestant Goldie Harvey, a lot of revelations have come up since her demise starting with the emergence of her husband and the fact that Goldie may have stolen her best friend’s husband.
Yesterday Kenya’s rapper Prezzo who is still mourning the death of his alleged lover booked an air ticket back to Kenya after Andrew Harvey threatened him, ending his one month visit of Lagos where he was planning on shooting a reality TV show dubbed Tru Friendship which was sponsored by Goldie.
In an interview which was held on Saturday, Andrew told the media that Prezzo may not have known Goldie was a married woman but he now knows and we quote:
"But now he knows, the family and I would prefer he maintains a low profile and allow us to grieve our loss. The BBA game is over now,"
He further added that Goldie’s family and himself do not want him (Prezzo) to attend her funeral since they were not comfortable with the new developments.
How sad!