Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chris Brown Shows Maturity As He Speaks On Rihanna Relationship, Refocusing & Homophobia

Chris and Rihanna have taken us on a roller coaster ride over the past four years but it seems as though the couple are finally coasting on solid ground and Chris is attempting to become a better man in the process.
This past weekend, after Seth MacFarlane took a jab at Rihanna and Chris during the Oscars, you would have expected Chris Brown to hop on Twitter or Instagram and go on his usual rant about how he can’t catch a break. Granted,  he’s ditched both platforms, but if reports are true, he did a great job keeping his cool while attending Elton John’s Oscar watching party [which probably made for a pretty awkward moment!]

Throughout the evening, The UK Mirror and EW had the chance to chat with Chris at the party and he showed maturity as he brushed off Seth’s comment, as well as chatted about his current relationship with Rihanna and the mistakes he made years ago.
On Seth’s comment:
People attack me and criticize me, it happens all the time. But they don’t know me, and they don’t know us. It doesn’t bother me any more. Other people can judge us but they don’t know anything.
On his relationship with Rihanna:
Sometimes you row, you fight, with the one you love and things get said, stuff spirals. That night was the deepest regret of my life, the biggest mistake. But she loves me – what can I say? I’m forgiven… but, yes, I worked hard for it.
I’ve learned a lot since that night and I’ve grown up. I was very young and I took a lot of stuff, fame, for granted. I didn’t understand it. The support from those who do know me and the fans, who are incredible, got me through.
On being happy
We are really happy. We are back together. She is the most beautiful girl in the world. But I’m sad she couldn’t be here tonight; she is rehearsing for her tour.
Throughout the night, Chris was also asked about his beef with Frank Ocean, why it was important for him to support Elton John and his usage of homophobic slurs in the past:
On his beef with Frank Ocean
I only love people. I’m focused on music now. I’m working on my album. I want to surprise you know, I want fresh ears. I want people to hear my new music. The fans and the naysayers, the peers out there and everybody. The new music I want to surpass the [expectations] and surprise them and set the bar.
On attending Elton John’s event and past homophobic slurs
It was an honor for him to personally invite me and it’s a blessing to be here. And this is great event to raise money and awareness about AIDS [promotes the message that] people with HIV are people too, there shouldn’t be discrimination against them or any discrepancy or any fear about being around them. At the end of the day, I’m not homophobic in any way and I don’t focus on the negative that people bring to it.
Very mature answers. Team Breezy has to be proud!