Tuesday, November 29, 2011

T-Boz Files For Bankruptcy Because Mack 10's A DEADBEAT DAD? / Bow Wow Owes $90K To The IRS

Former TLC member T-Boz has just filed for bankruptcy. And it's likely because deadbeat dad Mack 10 owes her $250,000 in child support for their daughter Chase.

Deets inside, plus what Bow Wow owes the IRS too....

In the messed up news of the day, Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins has filed for bankruptcy. She's suffered from a brain tumor and swine flu these last few years. And she has also lived with Sickle Cell disease for several years. So I'm sure the medical bills have been stacking up.

She owes her creditors $768,642.99 mostly from mortgages on her $1.2 million house. Remember back in 2008 when a home in her name was facing foreclosure, and she says her ex-husband and child's father, Mack 10, put it in her name ut it wasn't really hers? No word on if this is the same property in question.

Even after being in one of the most successful girl groups of all time, T-Boz only brings in $1200/month in royalties. And sources report her non excessive spending at $8,821 a month while bringing in $11,700/month in income.

But here's the kicker. TMZ reports she may not have been in this predicament had Mack 10 paid her the $250,000 he owes her in back child support. Deadbeat ass...

Meanwhile, Bow Wow owes some serious money to the IRS in back taxes. A Florida tax lien filed by the Feds says Shad owes $91,105.61 for unpaid taxes from the year 2006. Maybe his Cash Money homie Weezy can get that handled for him....