Friday, July 1, 2011

Bow Wow's Mom Tweets About Bow's New Daughter?!

So Bow Wow really does have a baby? There's a pic floating around the net posted by a certain "site" of a baby girl that is said to be Bow Wow's, but it's not. The baby is actually Joie's, Bow's alleged baby mama, best friend's baby girl.

BUT...that doesn't mean Bow and Joie didn't have a baby of their own. What Bow Wow's mom said today that may confirm Bows a daddy when you read on...

A little less than a year ago, rumors started to spread that Bow Wow was messing with a video chick/booty model named Joie (pictured above)--interestingly at the same time he was trying to get back in his ex-girlfriend Angela Simmons' good graces.

Supposedly, Angela chucked him the deuces once she found out he allegedly knocked up this "model" chick Joie. And so the rumors began.

Fast forward to 9 months later, and Bow has been sending subliminal mushy tweets for several weeks about a new person in his life who means so much to him. And who he hates to leave. He shot down fans who asked if he's talking about his alleged baby. But still did so vaguely.

Supposedly, Joie delivered her baby girl named Shai very recently--and she just had her baby shower a coouple of weeks ago.

Bow Wow's mom Teresa Caldwell tweeted just today this little nugget about said "Shai" (whose name could very well be a play off her supposed daddy's name--Shad "Bow Wow" Moss):

Hmmm. Then Bow tweeted this today:

Picture on **** aint my daughter... Some bloggers fucking suck at they job. Get accurate info for once. Stop feeding people bullshit

I dont need no blogs to tell my fans nuffn. Ill share my personal issues with my people when i feel comfortable. They will be 1st to know