Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nicki Minaj Discusses Enduring Hate & Envy In The Industry

MTV News recently caught up with Nicki Minaj who was recently crowned their #5 Woman of the Year. The rapper used to opportunity to discuss how she views the actions of others who have been attacking during the last few weeks.

While Minaj refrained from calling any names, everything that she said could easily apply to Lil Kim who has continuously attacked her and even admitted to trying to rebuild her crumbling career by using Minaj’s success as a platform.

See what Minaj had to say below:

“I hate to say it, but a lot of people harbor just a lot of just hate, envy,” she said. “It almost feels like, because I’m where I am, they’re where they are. I didn’t do this to you; I didn’t do this to your career. I’m responsible for Nicki; you’re responsible for you.”

“When you see someone else being successful and your first instinct is to tear them apart, that’s just a sign of you feeling unhappy with your achievements. But what I try to explain to people is: Whenever you feel like that — and we all feel like that sometimes, like ‘Ah, somebody’s doing it. Somebody’s popping a lot’ — use that as fuel to go hard. That’s what I did.”

“I was like, ‘You know what? This one is doing their thing; this one is doing that; why can’t I do it?’ ” she continued. “But see, I looked at people like [Lil] Wayne. I would go to the studio, and I would observe Wayne, and I would literally pray. I would say ‘God, give me his work ethic.’ You have to ask for what you want. You have to identify what it is you need to get where you need to go and then speak that. You have to say it.”

She also hinted that changing one’s life direction is more than just words. “If that’s what you want is a great work ethic, then you have to program that into your life,” she said. “But looking at somebody with a great work ethic and hating them is not going to help you.” {Source}