Saturday, October 2, 2010

Manager: “Christina Aguilera Will Tour In 2011″

christina b Manager: Christina Aguilera Will Tour In 2011

Despite a commercially unsuccessful 2010, it looks like Christina Aguilera will be heading out on tour next year.

Full report below…

The news comes via Aguilera’s manager Irving Azoff, who also heads up concert-powerhouse Live Nation. During a recent interview with USA Today, Azoff cited Aguilera’s upcoming tour as one of those he anticipates will help business ‘pick up’ in 2011:

Next year may improve, he said, as hitmakers who sat on the sidelines in 2010 plan major tours. He’s especially optimistic that the cast of the TV show Glee, Van Halen, Avril Lavigne, Christina Aguilera, and Fleetwood Mac will fill arenas and ampitheaters. {Source}

Riddle me this: ‘Bionic’ has sold approximately 240,000 copies – to date. If folk weren’t willing to buy the album, will they really be rushing to buy tickets to a tour? A tour featuring songs they’ve probably never heard before, at that?

Coming off not only the biggest flop of her career, but also one of the biggest flops of the year, Aguilera may need to re-think any plans of embarking on an arena trek. It’d only cause further embarrassment. While I’d much prefer she work on her likeability and the establishment of a sound she can call her own; if a tour is what she desires, then a small-scale / theatre-based trek may work – from both a business and fan-(re)building standpoint.

Say what we will about Xtina (much of it deserved), it can’t be denied that she remains one of the most gifted in the game. One can only hope she’s able to bounce back soon.