Friday, October 8, 2010

Kelly Rowland Performs ‘Forever And A Day’ On Alan Titchmarsh

kelly un e1284750674988 Kelly Rowland Performs Forever And A Day  On Alan Titchmarsh

Dance diva Kelly Rowland hit the stage here in the UK today to perform her new European single ‘Forever And A Day’ on The Alan Titchmarsh Show. She also confirmed the British release date of her as yet untitled third album..

The goodies after the jump…

While Kelly’s incorporation of choreography (finally) is appreciated, the lip-syncing, however, is not. Granted, it’s been reported that the singer was ill this week, surely even a pre-recorded/re-recorded ‘live’ version of the track would suffice – as opposed to the regular CD version? Not impressed.

On a more positive note, Kelly confirmed (herself) that the UK release of her third studio album is November 29th. It appears as though this side of the pond may be getting some form of exclusive release of the LP (i.e. iTunes only?) , with the US getting another record entirely next year. Yes, this has been widely speculated, however the latest developments appear to verify such claims.

With some clarity of the album situation, and ‘Forever And A Day, as well as Rowland’s collaboration with Tinie Tempah ‘Invincible’, flying up the iTunes chart, it certainly looks like interesting times are ahead for Kelly Rowland fans…