Tuesday, June 22, 2010

In this special edition we hear directly from the men!...FROM FLAREMAGAZINE

MAY issue

In this special edition we hear directly from the men! Guest contributors tell us what we women are doing wrong, and what we are doing right.

Columns; letters by an acacia tree take a suprising turn and NEW OPINIONATED OPINION by FLAVA

FASHION: LBD in style; wear it and get the attention you need

HEALTH:  7 important health rules for young women

BUSINESS: 10 ways woman sabotage- communication in the workplace

Relationship: will he EVER marry you? If your in it for the ring, these signs will tell you if he is too..plus tips on getting a man with a big..bankaccount

Shape: save money and eat yummy lunch

BRIDE: 7 Scary truths about getting engaged!

Cheap but chic tips and even how to MAKE money from the nuptials

visit  www.flaremagazinetz.com