Monday, May 17, 2010

Lil Wayne May Serve More Time Due to Contraband

So much for good behavior. Sources at Rikers Island have told MTV News Lil Wayne could possibly serve additional time for being caught with earphones and an mp3 player in his cell.

"You just get an infraction, a violation," the source told MTV News. "You lose some 'good time.'"

"It depends on the severity of the infraction," the source added. "Level one is the worst. Then you have [level] two or three. [This infraction] could be a level one. He has to go on trial, and based on evidence, they'll make their determination."

The source also told MTV that Wayne could lose his current job as a suicide-prevention aide due to his infraction. Wayne would have to go through a trial in front of a captain and correctional officer within 48 hours of the incident. As of May, there's no word on whether the trial has taken place.

Wayne was sentenced to serve one year in prison for gun possession stemming from a 2007 arrest.

Stay tuned as this story develops.