Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Obamas Get In Brazil

The Obama family is looking beautiful in Brazil these days. The First Family flew down to the South American county on Air Force 1 to do kick off their tour of Latin American countries in order to strengthen economic ties, open new markets, and create more jobs.

We've got pics of President Obama, First Lady Michelle O., and First Daughters Sasha and Malia making their rounds when you read on...

This weekend, the polka dotted and striped ladies of the Obama family left the White House to head south:

The girls are almost as tall as their parents!

They arrived into Brasilia, and left for Rio de Janeiro the same day:

The Prez gave a speech and visited the famous Christ the Redeemer Statue. Nice!

The fam visited the favelas and kicked it--literally--with a boys soccer team:

Loves this!

Next up was an official visit with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff at the Palacio do Alvorada, the official residence in Brasilia, Brazil:

I love the age appropriateness of how these young ladies are dressed. Great examples for our young everyday girls.

Mrs. O. is looking fabulous as usual in this nude watercolor dress/suit.

How much female power is in this pic. Lovely.

And the First Couple made a bright lasting impression as the fam headed off to Chile. Gotta love it!