Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Video: Nicole Scherzinger – ‘Don’t Hold Your Breath’

The video for Nicole Scherzinger’s latest single ‘Don’t Hold Your Breath’ premiered a few moments ago.

Check out the clip after the jump…

Ever so applicable here is the age old adage: if it’s not broke, don’t fix it. Having actually enjoyed the original version of the song, I’m not quite sure what her team were attempting with this version; whatever it was, it falls all the way flat.

More autotune, with a cheaper Electro-Pop beat flung on, this latest incarnation the song takes away from what otherwise is a decent enough video.

For as talented as Nicole is, things just don’t seem to be aligning for her when most needed. I mean when not the video, it’s the song. When not the song, it’s the video; and so on and so forth.