Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chad OchoCinco Gives Out Another FAT Diamond Ring...To Evelyn Lozada?!

Here we go again. Chad Ocho Cinco Johnson and Evelyn Lozada are allegedly engaged. We've got her 10 carat ring she just Twitpic' a "Pregnant" pregancy test she also tweeted, when you read on...

The couple have been dating for around 4 months. After Chad left "Dancing With The Stars" and he stopped courting his partner Cheryl--who he also bought a huge diamond ring


And today, "Basketball Wife" Evelyn Lozada, who traveled from Miami to Cincinatti for a visit, tweeted this pic of a beautiful 10 carat ring with the caption:

I'm no rabbit but 10 carats looks good on me!! Let the hating begin ▸▸▸▸▸▸▸ Let's go!!!!! *Wink*

Ummm ok. Her followers also asked her if all this was just a stunt, seeing that she'll be pubbing for season 2 of her show soon. She responded that it isn't because "she doesn't need that much attention." Girl....

She also tweeted a pic of a pregnancy test yesterday that had the results of PREGNANT on there. She said "OMG, I need a major time-out!!" Don't need attention huh?

Anywho, the two aren't explicity saying they're engaged, or even that Chad bought her the ring, but reports around the net say they are, and he did. I guess time will tell...