Singer and radio personality Talia Oyando allegedly tied the knot on Monday evening at a secret ceremony at the Attorney General Chambers to fiancé Ezekiel Onyango. The newlywed was however, tight-lipped and only offered a “No comment”. The ceremony was attended by only a handful of people.
Our sorces however say, “In as much as they held the private ceremony they plan on having a formal wedding where there will invite their friends and family as well as have an after party.”
Talia’s hubby who also said that having a secret marriage ceremony was their “choice” confirmed that with time, “There will be another ceremony for their family and friends.”
The groom is a jack-of-all-trades and seems to have mastered quite a bit in the filmmaking industry. On the silver screen he has bagged roles in TV series like Maua and Reflections and also played the lead character in the hit TV series Heartbeat FM.
As a model he has worked for several commercials like Coke World Cup Billboards, Strellson AG Menswear, Switzerland, and featured prominently in the posters and billboard promoting Heartbeat FM.
Behind the camera, Ezekiel has worked as an assistant director in a number of successful films like Killer Necklace, From a Whisper, Garden of Eden, Mavuno Worship Project and Ras Star. He has also worked for the Zain Africa Challenge as a stage manager.
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